Yes, you read that title correctly. Apparently, a 22-year-old named James Gilbert Kwarteng, of Palma de Mallorca, Spain has scammed Amazon out of $370k by returning dirt instead of the product that was purchased. So exactly how did James make sooo much money? Let's walk through it step by step.
First, James would "theoretically" buy a product from Amazon, once receiving the product he would claim the product as defective or not needed anymore and start a return with Amazon. He would then fill the box up with dirt and make it the exact weight of the original package. The package would be sent back to Amazon and would then sit in their warehouse. Once the suspect received his money back from Amazon, he would resell the originally purchased item to anyone he could. He was making money not only from Amazon but also from the product that he was reselling.
Amazon is known for being the leader and innovator with e-commerce and shipping but somehow this one LITERALLY slipped through its fingers. Apparently, since the products matched the original weight it would then sit in a warehouse waiting to be restocked. James Gilbert Kwarteng was arrested but was released on bail soon after being arrested. Since the success of the scam, he has been able to create his own company. The details of his company and next court date have not been released but we will keep you updated.
That's all the tea for now,